Note:  Looking around, you might notice it's not really all about common sense.  Well, common sense is sometimes just knowing the ropes to life.  So don't be surprised if you come across something that doesn't relate.  The blog is more for kids anyway, but adults are welcome to view it too.


Welcome!!  You are now officially reading my blog!! You might find this to be an absolute flop, but maybe you'll think my posts are interesting... your opinion!  I do hope you enjoy though!!  Don't be too harsh on criticism, you might make me cry :) that's funny to people who know me (by the way)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Santa Claus: Stalker??

I know it's late after Christmas and all that, but it's time we faced the truth.  Santa Claus is not all that he's made out to be.  The fake one anyway.  Think about it people...  he's the ULTIMATE STALKER!  He knows when you're sleeping and when you're awake, if you've been bad or good..  for every kid in this world!  Kind of awkward isn't it??  Another thing:  The fat, red-cheeked guy comes into your house at night.  Breaking and entering much??  He eats your cookies, yeah yeah, you leave them out, but don't you think that the warm milk would be a hint to get lost??  And why isn't he DEAD?  How long has Mr. Kringle been around??
I don't know about you guys, but maybe some little kids have the right idea by breaking down crying at the sight of the jolly ol' fella.  Just a thought.

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